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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Brain Food

Stephen was looking at a photo. Someone asked him, "Whose picture are you looking at?" He replied: "I don't have any brother or sister, but this man's father is my father's son." So, whose picture was Stephen looking at?

Answer :
                 The man in the photo is Stephen's son

Sunday 29 March 2015

Number Series

Look at this series: 53, 53, 40, 40, 27, 27, ... What number should come next?

A. 12
B. 14
C. 27
D. 53

Answer : B

Explanation : In this series, each number is repeated, then 13 is subtracted to arrive at the next number

Monday 16 March 2015

Hand Shaking

Four people meet in a room. Each person shakes hands once with each other person.

How many hand shakes are there in all?

Any body can Guess It..?

Wednesday 11 March 2015


How many triangles are located in the image below?
Solution :
                27 triangles.  There are 16 one-cell triangles, 7 four-cell triangles, 3 nine-cell triangles, and 1 sixteen-cell triangle

Monday 9 March 2015


Rearrange three golf balls so that the triangular pattern points down instead of up.
Solution :

Thursday 5 March 2015

Connect The Dot

How many Squares can you Create in this figure by connecting any 4 dots (the corners of a square must lie upon a gird dot)

Solution :
There are 11 Squares total ;
5 Small, 4 Medium and 2 Large

Wednesday 4 March 2015


Gears A and D have 60 teeth each, gear B has 40 teeth, and gear C has 20 teeth.  Suppose that gear B makes twenty complete turns every minute, explain the relative speed of gears A and D?

Solution :
                 Gears A and D rotate at the same speed.  Gears of equal size will rotate at constant speeds irrespective of smaller or larger gears in between them


If teapot A holds 32 ounces of tea, about how many ounces does teapot B hold?

Solution :

                 16 ounces (about half of pot A).  The amount of tea that can be kept within each pot is determined by the height of the spout opening.  The tea level cannot rise above the spout opening since any extra tea would merely spill out from the spout.  A simple visual estimate would conclude that the spout of teapot B is approximately half the height of that of teapot A, therefore providing only half of the capacity, or 16 ounces.

Tuesday 3 March 2015


By cutting the square piece of paper into two and only two pieces (and rearranging those pieces), how it is possible to move the hole into center of the square?

Solution : 


Place the numbers 1 through 9 in the circles below, such that each side of the triangle adds up to 17

Solution :

Monday 2 March 2015


How it is possible to trace this design in one continuous movement without crossing a line on the way..?

Solution :


Remove six matches to make Ten

 Solution :