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Saturday 1 November 2014

Quiz 135

There are five squares (one 3x3 and four 1x1) formed with 20 matchsticks, as shown in the illustration. Move two matchstick to get seven squares. Overlapping or breaking of matchsticks or "loose ends" are not allowed
Answer: Seven squares are formed: five 1x1 squares, one 2x2 square, and one 3x3 square

Friday 17 October 2014

Quiz 134

How many faces are there in the solid above?

Answer : 14

Look at the face of the sold facing you. This face has 12 edges. So, there are 12 faces corresponding to these edges. To this, add the two faces which are in front and back. So, there is a total of 14 faces.

Quiz 133

Which one of the above nets cannot be folded into a cube? 

Answer : 2

Quiz 132

CJ is facing south. If he turns 135 degrees clockwise, which direction will he be facing? 

Answer : North-West
One whole circle is of 360 degrees. The circle is divided into 8 sections with 45° each. So, when CJ turns clockwise, he will pass through 3 sections and will face NW.

Quiz 131

The net of a cube is shown above. The square that is shaded is the base of the cube. Which square represent the top of the cube? 

Answer : C
Visualise that you are folding the net to form a cube. The squares A and D will be opposite to each other in the cube. The two squares adjacent to the base will be opposite to each other. The remaining sqaure C will be opposite to the base, which will be actually at the top.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Quiz 130


Answer : YXW
Each term consists of three consecutive letters in reverse order. The first letter and the last letter of the next term are the same

Quiz 129

Answer : NHR

The first, second and third letters move three steps forward, four steps backward and two steps forward respectively.

Quiz 128


Answer : MWG
The letters move five steps forward. 

Quiz 127


Answer : WMC
The lettersmove four steps backward to obtain the letters of the next term

Quiz 126

Answer :  LGQ

The first letters are alternate. The second letter of moves one step backward to obtain the second letter of the successive term. The third letter moves two steps backward to obtain the third letter of the subsequent term.

Quiz 125

AZ, BY, CX, ?  

  Answer : DW
The first letter moves one step forward. The second letter moves one step backward. 

Quiz 124

AZ, CX, FU, ? 

Answer : JQ

The first letter moves 2, 3, 4 ... steps forward. The second letter moves 2, 3, 4 ... steps backward.

Quiz 123

AZ, GT, MN, ?, YB

Answer:  SH

              First letter moves 6 steps forward. Second letter moves 6 steps backward

Monday 29 September 2014

Quiz 122

How many different times can you find the word GOLD in the image below? Start with the letter G in the center. Subsequent letters must be adjacent.
At any point, you may move up, down, right, or left, and you may change direction multiple times.

ANSWER: There are 28 ways to find/spell the word GOLD.

EXPLANATION: There's one way to reach each of the four D's in the corners (so 4 ways that end in one of the corner D's) and three ways to reach each of the eight D's on the sides (so 24 ways that end in one of the side D's).

Quiz 121

One day Abraham Lincoln was counting the stars in the night sky. After a few minutes of counting, he wondered what the first number would be to contain both his initials ("A" and "L"). Can you figure it out?

Note: Ignore the word "and" in numbers (e.g. two hundred and three)


         One Thousand Eleven (1,011)

Thursday 25 September 2014

Quiz 120

What number should replace the question mark?


      7. In each column the sum of the first two numbers is divided by two to give the third number.

Quiz 119

Which of these numbers is the odd-one-out?

43    26    50    37    17    82


          43 - all the others are 1 greater than a square

Quiz 118

What do the following words have in common?



          Each may be preceded by BREAK to give a new word

Quiz 117

What is the next number in this series?

5     25     61     113     181     ...

            265 (The series consists of the sums of the squares of 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, etc)

Saturday 20 September 2014

Quiz 115

The word RACECAR is hidden in the grid below. Can you find it?

ANSWER: See below.

Quiz 114

In the illustration below, ten coins are arranged in such a way that they form a pyramid. Can you turn the pyramid upside down by moving just three coins?

Note: You can rearrange the coins by dragging them around.


ANSWER: The green pyramid below is the original pyramid pointing up and the blue pyramid is the new pyramid pointing down. The black arrows show the three coins moving from their original position to their new position.


Quiz 113

It is possible to break down the seven-digit  number 1234567 and insert plus signs between certain digits (or groups of digits) in such a
way to produce a result of 100. One way is:1 + 23 + 4 + 5 + 67 = 100

Can you think of another way?
                                                                                                                                                                      ANSWER: 1 + 2 + 34 + 56 + 7 = 100

Quiz 112

Can you find the smallest positive number that is divisible by 15 that consists ONLY of ones and zeroes (e.g. 10, 11, 100, etc.)? Note that you don't need a calculator to solve the problem                                                   

ANSWER: 1,110.

EXPLANATION: Because the number is divisible by 15, it must also be divisible by 3 and 5 (since 15 is divisible by 3 and 5). The sum of the digits of a number that is divisible by 3 must equal 3 (this is a clever little math trick/shortcut). The number therefore must contain three ones, six ones, etc. Since the number is divisible by 5, we know that it must end in a 0 (numbers that are divisible by 5 end in a 0 or a 5). The first number that contains three ones and ends in a 0 is 1,110

Quiz 111

4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 = 7

Can you find a way to express the number 7 using four 4s and basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)?

               4 + 4 - 4 / 4
There's also 4 - (4 / 4 - 4) if you allow parenthesis.

            Just a reminder that as per the order of operations in mathematics, the division operator is resolved before the addition and subtraction operators

Friday 19 September 2014

Quiz 110

Using six sixes, can you write a mathematical expression (e.g. (6*6)+(6/6)-(6+6)) with a result equal to 27?

You may use any of the four basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) as well as parenthesis. Some additional rules:

1. You are not required to use all six numbers.
2. You may NOT join numbers (e.g. 6, 6, 6 to make 666)

ANSWER: 6*(6-(6/(6+6)))-6
(or any variation of this answer)

Quiz 109

You are a participant in a race.

You pass the person in second place.

What position are you in?

ANSWER: Second place.

EXPLANATION: If you overtake the second-place person and take his place, YOU are now in second place. 

Quiz 108

What three-dimensional shape has exactly two surfaces?

PS: The answer is not a piece of paper (a piece of paper actually has 6 surfaces as the edges are technically surfaces as well).

ANSWER: A cone 

Quiz 107

Can you think of a way to cut a cake into eight equal pieces with only three cuts?     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ANSWER: There are actually two clever ways to do it (see below):
Solution 1: Use two cuts to divide the cake into four equal pieces (quarters). For the third cut, cut the cake in half, horizontally. Some pieces may not have any icing, but their size will be equal. 

Thursday 18 September 2014

Quiz 106

What is the partially revealed common 8 letter word below?

HINT: The third letter is an A:

M E A _ _ _ M E


Quiz 105

What common nine letter word is partially revealed below?

HINT: The color of the letters is a clue to the word.


Quiz 104

What common expression/saying is shown in the image below?

HINT: Notice anything special about the birds?

ANSWER: Birds of a feather flock together.

 EXPLANATION: The meaning of this expression/saying is that people who have similar characters, similar interests, or in some cases similar appearances, will often choose to spend time together.

Quiz 103

 What common expression/saying is shown in the rebus puzzle below?

Not familiar with rebus puzzles? Here's how they work. The words you are trying to find have been replaced by one or more images sometimes modified by "letter math" (adding/subtracting letters).

For example, the word HEAR might be represented by H +

ANSWER: Every cloud has a silver lining.

EXPLANATION: The meaning of this expression/saying is that there is usually some kind of positive that can be found in any unpleasant situation. 

Quiz 102

Of all the numbers whose literal representations in capital letters consists only of straight-line segments (for example, FIVE), only one number has a value equal to the number of segments used to write it

The Question: Which number has this property? 


This is the only solution that satisfies the requirement that the capital letters shall consist only of straight-line segments:


Quiz 101

A school bus travels from Veldhoven to Roosendaal. There are four children in the bus. Each child has four backpacks with him. There are four dogs sitting in each backpack. Every dog has four puppies with her. All these dogs have four legs, with four toes at each leg.

The Question: What is the total number of toes in the bus?

The total number of toes is 5170.
The puppies: 4children × 4backpacks × 4dogs × 4puppies × 4legs × 4toes =    4096
Plus the dogs:          4children × 4backpacks × 4dogs × 4legs × 4toes =    1024
Plus the children:                           4children × 2legs × 5toes =      40
Plus the driver of the school bus:                       2legs × 5toes =      10
This gives the following total number of toes:                              5170

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Quiz 100

There is a clock that has a special way of telling the time. It does not have any hands or numbers on it, but it has a chimer.

If the time is 1 o'clock, it chimes once. If the time is 2 o'clock, it chimes twice, and so forth. The time gap between any two chimes is 4 seconds.

How many seconds would it take you to know the time, after the first chime is heard, if it is 7 o'clock?


        If it is 7 o'clock, the clock will chime 6 times after the first chime is heard.
Since the time gap between any two chimes is 4 seconds, this will take 6 × 4 = 24 seconds.

Now, to know what time it really is, you have to wait an 'extra chime gap' to see if the clock chimes again.
Adding the extra 4 seconds, the total time required is 24 + 4 = 28 seconds

Quiz 99

what is this?


Google Doodle Edison's B'day!

Quiz 98

what is this type of keyboard called?


     LED keyboard  

Quiz 97

what is this map about?


      Facebook users around the world(and how they are connected)  

Quiz 96

Identify the event


            FIFA final,the zidane head butt on materazzi 

Quiz 95

name the service


         Google Adwords    

Quiz 94

what does this picture say?


             Mozilla,chrome defeating internet explorer

Quiz 93

Name the website


Quiz 92

Answer :

Quiz 91

There were 100 chocolates in a box. The box was passed down along a row of people.
The first person took one chocolate. Each person down the row took more chocolates than the person before, until the box was empty.

What is the largest number of people that could have been in the row?
The longest line of people you can have is thirteen, with the last person taking all the remaining chocolates. There are not enough chocolates for a fourteenth person, because they would have to take 14 chocolates (after the previous person had taken 13) and there would be only 9 left.

Quiz 90

How many squares are there on a chess board ... ?
Answer :
There are a total of 204 squares on a chess board, including all sizes from 1 x 1 up to 8 x 8.

Quiz 89

Answer :

    The left number multiplied by 5 gives the total of the other two:
27 × 5 = 56 + 79
23 × 5 = 88 + 27
16 × 5 = 56 + ??

So ?? = 16 × 5 - 56 = 80 - 56 = 24

Quiz 88

What is the missing number in Triangle Four?

 Answer :

       The product of the two largest
       minus the square of the smallest,

       So the missing number is 45-16 = 29

Quiz 87

The box below is a Magic Square. This means that the numbers add up to the same total in every direction.
Every row, column and diagonal adds up to 111. But there are some numbers missing!
Fill in the missing numbers. They are all different.

Answer :



Quiz 86

Tom asked his Granny how old she was. Rather than giving him a straight answer, she replied:

"I have 6 children, and there are 4 years between each one and the next. I had my first child (your Uncle Peter) when I was 19. Now the youngest one (Your Auntie Jane) is 19 herself. That's all I'm telling you!"

How old is Tom's Granny?
     Tom's Granny is 58 years old. Let's see why:

First child born: Granny is 19
Second child born: Granny is 23 (19 + 4)
Third child born: Granny is 27 (23 + 4)
Fourth child born: Granny is 31 (27 + 4)
Fifth child born: Granny is 35 (31 + 4)
Sixth child born: Granny is 39 (35 + 4)

Sixth child is 19: Granny is 58 (39 + 19)

Quiz 85

When asked about his birthday, a man said:

"The day before yesterday I was only 25 and next year I will turn 28."

This is true only one day in a year - when was he born?


            He was born on December 31st and spoke about it on January 1st

Quiz 84

What is unique about 8549176320 ?

              It is the digits 0 to 9 in alphabetical order.

Quiz 83

Use the numerals 1, 9, 9 and 6 exactly in that order to make the following numbers: 28, 32, 35, 38, 72, 73, 76, 77, 100 and 1000

You can use the mathematical symbols +, -, ×, /, √, ^ (exponent symbol) and brackets.

Example: 63 = 1×9+9×6
28 = 1+9+√(9)×6
32 = (1/√(9))×96
35 = -19+(9x6)
38 = 19/(√(9)/6)
72 = (1+√(9))×√(9)×6
73 = 19+(9×6)
76 = 1+(9×9)-6
77 = -19+96
100 = 1+√(9)+96
1000 = (1+9)^(9-6)

Quiz 82

Find a 10-digit number where the first digit is how many zeros in the number, the second digit is how many 1s in the number etc. until the tenth digit which is how many 9s in the number.


Quiz 81

A bomb goes off.
One person, only a few feet away, survives! How can this be?

Answer :  The person was watching it on TV

Monday 15 September 2014

Quiz 80

How quickly can you find the answer to:
5  x  4  x  3  x  ...  x  -3  x  -4  x  -5

Answer: Zero.

In full the question is:

   5  x  4  x  3  x  2  x  1  x  0  x  -1  x  -  2  x  -3  x  -4  x  -5

As you can see, there is a x 0 in there, and anything times zero is zero.