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Saturday 10 October 2015

Analytical Reasoning - V

A. Seeta,Rajinder and Surinder are children of Mr. and Mrs.Maudgil.
B. Renu,Raja and Sunil are children of Mr. and Mrs.Bhasker.
C. Sunil and Seeta are married and Ashok and Sanjay are their children.
D. Geeta and Rakesh are children of Mr. and Mrs. Jain.
E. Geeta is married to Surinder and has three children named Rita,Sonu and Raju.

1. How is Rajinder related to Raju?
A. Brother
B. Uncle
C. Brother-in-law
D. Cousin
E. Maternal Uncle

Answer : B

2. How is Rajinder related to Ashok?
A. Brother-in-law
B. Father-in-law
C. Cousin
D. Uncle
E. Maternal Uncle

Answer : C

3. How is Rakesh related to Surinder?
A. Brother
B. Cousin
C. Uncle
D. Maternal Uncle
E. Brother-in-law

Answer : E

4. How is Rakesh related to Rita?
A. Brother
B. Cousin
C. Uncle
D. Maternal Uncle
E. Brother-in-law

Answer : A

5. What is Sanjay's Surname?
A. Bhaskar
B. Jain
C. Maudgil
D. Surinder
E. None of the above

Answer : D

6. Renu is Sanjay's
A. Sister
B. Sister-in-law
C. Cousin
D. Niece
E. Aunt

Answer : E

7. Raju's surname is
A. Jain
B. Bhaskar
C. Maudgil
D. Surinder
E. None of the above

Answer : C

8. Sunil and Rakesh are related as
A. Brothers
B. Cousins
C. Uncle and Cousin
D. Brother-in-law
E. None of the above

Answer : D

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