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Friday 12 September 2014

Quiz 67

Last week I decided to cycle to my Grandmother's house.

On the first day, I cycled half of the distance.

On day 2, I cycled one half of the remaining distance.

On day 3, I cycled three quarters of the remaining distance.

On day 4, I cycled 10 miles.

On day 5 I cycled two thirds of the remaining distance and on the final day I cycled the remaining 5 miles.

How far is it to my Grandmothers house?

Answer:  400 miles.

On the final day I cycled the remaining 5 miles
On Day 5 I started with 15 miles (as I cycled two thirds, leaving 5 miles).
On Day 4 I started with 25 miles (as I cycled 10 miles).
On Day 3 I started with 100 miles (as I cycled three quarters, leaving 25 miles).
On Day 2 I started with 200 miles (as I cycled half, leaving 100 miles).
On Day 1 I started with 400 miles (as I cycled half, leaving 200 miles)

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